There I am....wondering if my heart is still beating. |
My gals that ran with me. |

I have been a runner most of my life. Not a fast runner, but a runner. I think it started when I watched the movie
"Wildcats" starring Goldie Hawn. In the movie she made a bet with one of her players to see who could out run the other. They ran what seemed to be day and night and she eventually won. Goldie is lots older than I am so I figured if she could do it then so could I! Well, I am 30ish now and have never done a 1/2 marathon. My good friend and I started by the book. We had our running schedules on the calender and stuck with them. When it was race day I was extremely nervous. Once the race started I relaxed a bit but noticed our pace was a lot faster than it normally was during practice. "Pretty soon we are going to start running out of gas", is what I thought every time I got an update from my beloved
RunKeeper ap. My friend, Erin, and I trained for the whole race together and ran the whole race together. I had the perfect running experience, and we beat our goal by more than we thought we were able. We finished 13.1 miles in 1:57minutes. Our pace was 8:58per mile. After the run I was done! I had to drink four giant Gatorades before I started feeling normal again. The
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa was a perfect place to run the race and relax afterwards, but I opted out of the massages since I wasn't prepared to sell my kidney in exchange for an hour massage. All that hard work and all for a great cause. It still amazes me that people pay to torture themselves so that they can better the world....I'm one of them!
Zooma was a delightful first 1/2 marathon, and I got a cute "Z" necklace when I finished. I plan to do the Austin 1/2 marathon in February and my running partner, Erin, has agreed she would train and run it with me again....how comforting.
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