Well, it's Labor Day weekend! I think to myself how I used to spend my long weekends in the past....pre-kids....pre-marriage(s).....pre-responsible. I would party my face of I tell ya! Well, this chick doesn't like to do it that way anymore (this is the conclusion after this last Labor Day Weekend).
Friday the kids and I immediately left town as soon as the school bell rang. We waved good bye to a freshly manicured yard (to which I'm very proud), and were off to celebrate the lack of labor in San Antone! When we got to the apartment I was ready to take some NyQuil and get to sleep since we were all suffering from the "start of school hack". We ordered in some sandwiches and I was off to bed.

Saturday we went to the beloved Shiloh deli. I MUST eat breakfast there when I go to San Antonio. On the way back to the apartment the kids spied the Children's Museum. This is a place that I love to hate. The kids are so happy when we go there, but there is absolutely nothing interesting for a grown up to do except follow the kids around and say "oh great", or "yeah that's cool" and snap a picture of them as they mimic an airplane pilot in the fake plane. Am I a terrible parent? I can not get myself excited about pretend grocery shopping in a pretend HEB. Why don't they get excited about REAL grocery shopping in a REAL HEB? This boggles my feeble, little mind.

That night was a party night for me. One of my dearest friends' husband plays in a band and they happened to be playing in a town near by. My lovely parents were fine with observing the children whilst I attempted to party my face off so all was well. My friend, Kristy, and I were able to hang out in the "green" room with the band before they played and sadly, I felt like royalty. I can't tell you how many teenage or lower 20 girls watched us in envy every time we trekked back to where the cool kids hung out. By the time I got back to the apartment it was 2:00am and I was spent.

Sunday I realized that I am not able to stay up past 11:00pm and feel pretty good the next day. In the pre-grown up days I was able to stay up later and sleep all day the next. No so much anymore. The children were dead set on seeing the Dinosaur Exhibit at the Witte Museum especially since I bought them Jurassic Park and let them watch it on repeat. It was a really great exhibit and went by pretty quick. There is one great thing about the kids on a lazy afternoon.....that my friends is nap time. We slept for two hours and I felt like I was in college again! When I woke up I realized one thing I didn't have when I was in college was the joy that comes from my kids. I love listening to them talk and tell each other what they believe to be facts and discuss bad dinosaurs as opposed to good dinosaurs etc. Now, don't get me wrong. Going out with old friends on a Saturday night without someone clinging to me and yelling "watch this" or "mommy, mommy", was great, but that life can get real old real quick. The mixed up weekends that allow a happy time for everyone are the ones that are most successful.
All in all I had a great weekend. The kids had a great weekend. My parents had a great weekend. It wasn't a party your face off weekend, but it was comforting.