Me and my Peeps

Me and my Peeps

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Baby is Five. How did this happen?!

My youngest, Catie, is now five years old. This means I have no excuse for having "baby weight"! It seems like yesterday my sweet little girl was barfing breast milk all over her pretty clothes and myself. People are always saying time flies, but this was ridiculous. It never occurred to me that one day she would help me decorate her own birthday cake (which is what she did in the picture above). My life would never be this happy without my sweet Catie in it, and I'm glad she happened upon us! I'm going to keep a close eye on seems next year she'll be 15!!!!

This year she wanted to be like her older brother and have her party at the FAC (Fitness Athletic Center). This is the best place to have a party. The kids are ragged by the end of the party and besides the food everything is done for you. All you have to do is watch and let the FAC people run the show! Happy Birthday, Catie!!

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