If you watched the video above then you will assume I'm an Olympic ski jumper, but I am not. I've decided to work in the family business and parent two fantastic kids so I opted out of my professional ski career.
The day after Christmas we (Debbie, Derek, Sami, Dru, Buck, Catie, and I) decided to load up in the Suburban and head to Taos, NM. Thanks to my lovely parents we had free room and board....God Bless them! Alex, Kim, Mary, Abbey, and Marshall were able to meet us there too!
The first day of skiing Derek and Debbie chanced the snowboard class. Let's just say.....they skied for the rest of the week.
The kids had a blast at ski school. Whomever invented that place is a genius!!! You take your kids, sign a piece of paper that says you won't get angry if they separate their legs from their bodies, and then off they go! No trying on boots, skies, snowboards, that was it! Then after a day of dominating the slopes you go back and ski with them for a bit on the bunny slope and you are done for the day! They even take their gear off for them!!!! Ski school = Awesome school in my book! The only problem I ran into is that some tool took my skies off the ski rack thinking they were theirs and I couldn't ski on the ones they left for me. At least Catie announced to every stranger that we came into contact with that someone stole her mom's skies. That wasn't awkward at all.
The last day of ski was a day of blizzard. We looked at the mountain and all the chair lifts coming down with a foot of snow on them, and we collectively decided to sit in Stray Dog for the rest of the afternoon and watch the morons freeze. I was able to score a pink Under Armor Taos hoodie too!
All in all we had a fantastical time. I am going back around Spring Breakish and I'll be partaking in that fantastic organization of ski school again.